Faith Christian Church

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Day 21 - Spiritual Dialysis

Romans 5:8

But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us

I have dialysis treatment three times a week. I go to hospital to have this treatment since my kidneys failed. The dialysis treatment purifies and gets rid of all the waste in my system. As I sat in the hospital chair watching tubes attached to needles in my arm and watching the blood flow, I thought about the significance of blood.

As followers of Christ. we know that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) As such, we are fallen and broken beings and in need of a savior. Going for my treatment every few days, makes me think about how we need spiritual dialysis. We are all in need of it. We regularly fail. And we regularly need to be cleansed and have the toxins and impurities from our own hearts removed.

The dialysis is only a temporary measure. It is not sufficient for the rest of my life. The dialysis does not care about the patient. All it does is point out what’s wrong. And it is a temporary fix. I need to return to the same location and the same process every two days for the rest of my life. It is not the cure.

In the same way, we can return again and again to temporary measures for the spiritual failings in our lives. But it is not enough. We need a cure.

In Christ, we find freedom; because we know that His sacrifice on the cross was absolute and final. All we need is in Christ. We know that Jesus is far more than dialysis. Having Jesus as our saviour is like a kidney transplant for someone like me. Christ’s blood purifies us. It cleanses us. And his salvation brings newness into our spirits, where previously there was decay (2 Corinthians 5:17)